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Why Rolfing?


That almost sounds like a trick question. We each are given certain structural qualities by heredity, and major events in our past. We must always work within certain individual constraints to maximize each person's ability to function effectively in our daily activities.


In general, though, there are some common goals:


  • The waist moves back for a mild curve, and moves freely

  • The crown of the head extends up to impart length and lightness in movement

  • The knees travel directly forward in a line parallel the the earth as one walks or runs

  • The toes hinge horizontally in walking and running

  • The elbows face somewhat laterally (sideways) with the point of the shoulder balanced at midline

  • The whole body responds to the breath

  • A vertical line can pass through the ankle, hip, abdomen, ribcage and head



Yes. Rolfing® is a series of 10 or more sessions to realign the body to help you function more in accord with the design. Our structure can actually change to an amazing degree. Using a sequence of 10 or more sessions gives us a chance to address the body's needs from many perspectives and depths.

Because the connective tissue is moldable, the body's shape and therefore function can be changed. Finding the most appropriate combination of changes to achieve a permanent effect is our task, together.



You may find your painful areas awakening and functioning free of pain.

You will probably find an increased sense of ease in some aspect of your daily life, like sitting standing, or walking, that has perhaps been a problem. You may notice less strain or a sense of pleasure in a body part that used to hold pain.


You will probably find a new awareness of appropriate movement and it's relationship to your daily health. Runners find their stride increases in length and smoothness; speakers find a new sense of confidence and ease in their presentation.


Freeing an area where movement has been restricted and the subsequent realignment may bring up a memory of, or re-experience of a previous injury or emotional state. It may reveal the weakness or tenderness in a muscle that has been underused.


You could feel some soreness the next day, as if you had a good workout. Because you may be using new muscles or old muscles in new ways, there may be a period of getting used to the new movement. This could result in tired muscles. As you sit and stand in new ways, you may feel either a sense of self-consciousness or dis-ease as you accommodate your new and improved pattern.


Your Rolfer may give a movement pattern or exercise to Help you integrate the new pattern without constant, concious attention.



The observation was made that as a person changed, the way the person carried himself changed.
The questioned was proposed "Can the way that a person carries himself initiate a change in the whole person?"

Rolfing has emerged as a true holistic art. Rolfing is now sought as an aid in psychological-behavioral and spiritual growth as well as an agent of physical change and rehabilitation.

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